Monday, August 30, 2010

Was Jesus a Liberal

As I left church the other day I noticed two bumper/window stickers on a fellow parishioners SUV.  They read "God bless the entire world!"  To that I said Amen.  the second said "Jesus was a Liberal!"  That made me think, was Jesus a Liberal?  I have my thoughts on that and I am sure you have yours.  I also think it is safe to say that  if you are a Liberal you would say yes.  If however you are conservative, then you would most likely say no. I thought this would be a great subject to debate.

I also think that the debate should be made with an anonymous signature.  Then we can all just say what we feel with out any precautions or judgments by other people who may know us.  Kind of like voting, no one knows unless you want them to.  Of course you still have the opportunity to sign any way you want.  Just click on "Comment" fill in your comment and then sign by clicking on the signed drop box arrow and pick your signature or just feel in any name you want. 


  1. What are the major issues?

    Homosexual marriage?
    Affirmative Action?
    Separation of Church & State?
    Gun Control?
    Health Care?

    Where do you believe Jesus would stand on these issues today?

  2. The heart of liberism is abortion. Question answered.

  3. I can't help but recall that Jesus said "Give to Cesar that which is Cesar and to God that which is God's." I may not be a Biblical scholar, but I cannot remember anywhere, where Jesus said the Government needs to get involved. I do remember him saying that we, us as individuals must be responsible for our fellow man, not Obama care!

  4. I have to agree with a previous comment that most liberals believe that Abortion is the right of the Woman. I don’t think God or Jesus would support that doctrine. I also would agree that it is not the government’s job to give people a free lunch. Jesus made it our personal responsibility to care for our neighbors. He did not say that people should be taxed so that entitlements can be dished out for future votes!

  5. I'm not sure if Jesus's opinion on Obamacare would make him a Liberal or not, but I do know he never asked any lepers for their insurance card before he cured them. For free. That's free health care.
