Friday, September 10, 2010

Gates is exsactly waht Obama wants

In 1976 Jimmy carter became our President.  He's goal was a kinder and friendlier America.  He began apologising to everyone for all the bad America has done, sound fermiliar?  He thought it would be a good thing if he cut our military down to the bare minimum.  In three years a CBS report came out and said "There are only two American miltary units ready and cable to survive in combat.  The 101st Air Born Div. and the United States Marine Corps. 

I mention this because Obama and hie stooge Gates is on the same path.  We all know through his actions what Obama thinks about American exceptional-ism,and like Carter he thinks the best way to prove that is to cut the military.  So lets see what has he done so far?  Signed a one sided treaty with Russia, stopped missile defense in Europe and got nothing in exchange.  Continues to try and plead with the Iranian lunatic to be nice and give up his NUKES!  Oh yeah, that really works in the world of make believe.  Has publicly declared to the whole world that he will NEVER launch a nuke on a civilian target.  OK so when we get hit he will do what, launch a nuke in the middle of the desert?

I have heard that Gates wants to cut the Marine Corps because he says there is no need for an Amphibious military in today's world.  First lets go through some recent history.  In Grenada, American students were being held by the government and US Marines went in and saved them.  In the Gulf war when Sudam crossed into Kuwait, the US had to put in a force that they could draw a line.  The Army would take weeks, the Marines had an entire MEU Marine Expeditionary Unite, about 2000 Marines on the ground in 24 hours.  No military in the world could have accomplished that feat.  But yet Amphibious Marines are a thing of the past.  How about in Hatti earlier this year when the 22nd MEU went from land to Hatti in less then 30 days.  The Army has no capabilities to perform any such operations.  And most recently when Marines boarded a German flagged ship off the coast of Somalia and took the ship back from pirates setting the crew free.  Didn't hear about that, maybe you should listen to FOX?

You can go back to Somalia under President Clinton when we needed troops there in a hurry, who were the only ones capable of landing troops in a heart beat, The United States Marines.  The Army Rangers  eventually replaced them after several months, it took that long.  Then the movie came out "Black Hawk Down."  Without a viable Marine Corps here is what you get.  The US will loose its capability to act in the best intrest of America with immediate action.  If for example Iran crossed into Iraq in say 10 years, how long do you think it would take the Army to get there and stop them.  At least several months!

There is another thought in this madness, and I am sure you will right me off as a nut.  But I believe that an America with out a Marine Corps leaves us open to subversion from within.  The Marine Corps unlike the
Army is small and compact.  It is easily commanded by its leaders and has its loyalties to its code.  God, Country, Corps.  Do you notice the order, first and foremost to God.  That means that Marines code is made up of Morals, God's Morals of loyalty, justice and honor.  Second is Country, as a Marine you are taught that this is the greatest country in the world with a constitution worth dying for.  Finally Corps.  Doesn't it seem strange that the Marine Corps would put itself last in that code?  That is what makes the Corps unique.  As marines we would never stand by and watch the country fall into the hands of those that would destroy it from within.  Perhaps that may be the reason for demising the abilities of the Corps.  I believe that the Army would never conflict its commander if those orders ever came down!

If you want to know more about what the corps has done connect to this WEB site
 Read this if you have doubts on what is beginning.  This is where my info has come from!


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