Friday, August 5, 2011

My opinion on Obama care!

My opinion on Obama care!
New costs no one really new about!
Do you remember when Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill to know what’s in it!”  Here is something I wonder if any of you know about.  Something the CBO can’t include when attempting to figure out what the cost of this health bill will be, because in this particular part of the bill, it is the insurance companies who must, I repeat must give at no cost the following free medical for, “Women’s preventive health care act.”   Sounds unconstitutional to me!
Did you know that in January 2013 the Obama health plan will force insurance companies to pay for , without co-pays or deductible, virtually free women’s health care for such things as mammograms, birth control, and an annual "well-woman" physical, screening for the virus that causes cervical cancer and for diabetes during pregnancy, counseling on domestic violence, and other services.
So does anyone think that the insurance companies are going to just except these costs, no of course not!  They will pass them on to all of those who still pay for their own health policies.  If you thought your insurance costs were going down then guess again.  Cost is going up, thanks President Obama, thanks for nothing.
On a side note, do you remember how the President said that less than 30% of those on group health plans will be dropped from their plans, well a new national survey says that more than 60% will now be dropped from those plans in favor of government plans.  This will take effect in 2014 and could add two trillion dollars to the debt.
In case anyone actually reads this post, then please tell me why the Democrats fight to cut anything?  Most recently the FAA, Republicans want to stop funding airports that have little or no traffic.  Many are strictly used by the very wealthy for private plains.  So please explain to me why!  Why are they against a balanced budget amendment?  If anyone would like to discuss this I am willing to do so.
While I’m on the subject, I will give my opinion on why.  Bush threw away physical conservatism when he enacted the prescription drug plan without a way to pay for it.  I was handling all my parents bills at that time and I know that their supplement paid for their medicine with a low co-pay.  I know that many on Medicare could not afford that supplement, but with the government, just covering those who can’t afford isn’t fare.  They have to cover all, the plan was worse for them, as it turned out more costly.  Thanks Bush, thanks for nothing!
So why do they do it?  Maybe to make themselves feel better, or maybe to leave some kind of self heritage for the historians to say how great he was.  But I believe for power.  An entitlement is power.  Once you have something, you will not be willing to give it up.  50% of working America pays no income tax, that is they get it back and more at the end of the year.  Why is that?  Votes, it all comes down to votes!  Tell them that we must change the tax laws and they may have to actually pay some tax and they vote for the party that says that should not happen, you know, like throwing a wheelchair grandma over a cliff. 
Right now the Republicans seem to want to cut and the Democrats do not.  Tough choices are made by tough people, our time is running out!


  1. Women's healthcare sounds unconstitutional to you? That's quite a statement from a married man, father of two daughters, and grandfather to six girls!

    I think it's about damn time insurance companies are forced to do the right thing and pay for these services that are a part of every life of every woman you know. It is so sad to me that our country who stands for equality for all accepts that insurance companies will pay for a drug to give a man a six hour erection, but we scream unconstitutional when women are given BASIC health services in an insurance plan.

    Do you really think that society doesn't "pay" when women are abused, faced with pregnancies they can't afford, or move into a homeless shelter with her children because her cancer treatments wiped out her family's finances? We all pay regardless of our opinion of these programs. Taxes pay for shelters. Taxes pay for Medicare and WIC for children. And hospitals love to pass the cost of unpaid medical bills on to others who do pay their bills.
    Perhaps a better, more HUMANE approach would be to require health insurance companies to cover preventative care that most affects the lives of women, their families and children, and thus affecting society-at-large. It’s called “preventative” to “prevent” the worst-case scenario. How can requiring healthcare coverage that helps prevent bad things from happening – be bad?
    In my opinion what is unconstitutional is the fact that insurance companies make all these claims that they are in business to help people. Which people do you think they mean? Does society “pay” for the actions of what happens to a man if he doesn’t get an erection anymore? How does his lack of erections affect families, children, and the downfall of the family institution?
    Thank you, President Obama, for bringing women’s rights out of the dark ages and forcing insurance companies to do what they should have been doing all along! Provide affordable healthcare! That is why this bill is named the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” NOT Obamacare. It is my opinion that anyone who calls it Obamacare does so out of fear that if people heard the accurate name of the bill, support for it would increase.

  2. That is not the point, It is not about women's health care, these are important programs of course! You are not reading what I am saying. Insurance companies should provide these cares, and even if you agree that government can order them to do it, they should be allowed to charge a premium. BUT the GOVERNMENT is demanding that they do it without any compensation. If you are in business and the government tells you to provide, say free bread with your meals at your restaurant, how can you stay in business. If you can't charge for bread, then you will have to charge more for drinks, or meat to make up the difference, and that is all I am saying. Insurance companies will be forced to increase everyone Else's premiums to make up the difference, thus your premiums do not go down as promised by Obama, they go up!

    You need to calm down and read what is being written. Yes society does pay for all those in justices you mentioned, but when the Government starts telling business that they have to provide a service and not collect any money in return for that service, then, SORRY but that is SOCIALISM. So what do you want, if its is socialism then say so. We are a capitalistic economy, and though you may not want to admit it, it has given you everything you have, and until recently the greatest economy in the world.

    The only reason I think this was done, was to keep down the CBO's cost analysis of Obama Care. Oh I'm sorry "“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." All that sounds grate except for Affordable, haven't heard of any ones premiums going down yet. Have heard that it already is going to cost BILLIONS more then what was predicted. They are attempting to Give it away free but not through tax dollars, make businesses pay for it.

  3. People shouldn't be worried about women getting those perks whether it raises costs or not. There have been basic medical rights issued to men and covered by insurance whether it pushed the costs up or not. I think they should have invented a birth control for me, it would have been paid for. There have been more and better studies done on heart disease and prostate cancer for men, than there have been for women. Nobody minded paying for that. Lest we talk about viagara? Once they found it worked for the heart, but could also be used for erectile dysfunction, no problem in getting it paid for. Well my mammograms are just as important to me. And finally a parody clause has been put in for mental health that allows you to go to as many visits as you need, instead of the insurance company cutting you off when they didn't want to pay any longer, even though you needed additional care. We need to get rid of lobbyists in this country. They are blood suckers and our politicians love the kickbacks they get from them. We are way behind the least we are where women's needs are concerned, in my opinion. Let the Republicans expire the laws on the tax incentives for the rich....they won't miss the money, and they won't put food on your table when you run out of money to live on. My unemployment was a trade off on those tax incentives for the rich. In other words I won't collect for two years and I worked for thirty. Hit the small guy....when they completely wipe us out.....we won't be having anymore of these discussions.....because we will be extinct from the planet.

  4. OM Gosh, the costs you mention that insurance companies cover for men are PAID in a premium. They are not given FREE at insurance company’s expense. No one, especially I, am worried about women getting insurance coverage for these and all women related medical needs. IT is the GOVERNMENT NOT ALLOWING them to recoup those costs through premiums. If you want everything free then please realize that, that is an impossibility. Sorry to tell you but nothing is free. Just ask Greece, Ireland, Spain and now Italy.

    As far as studies being done for men and not women, that does not even pertain to this argument. You are angry at insurance companies and you certainly have that right to feel that way, but at what cost are you willing to take that anger. Do you want to destroy insurance companies? Put them out of business, because this would be a first step. All I am saying is that the government has no right to order a private business to give a service or sell a product and not charge for it.
