Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Suvey questions asked 1000 liely voters

Take the survey. Put your answers in your reply. Answer the questions honestly and sign as anonymous. I will let you know the results.

1* Should the government be allowed to do anything that a majority of voters want or should there be legal limits on government to protect the natural and civil rights of individuals?

2* How important is it for leaders of the government to be selected by voters?

3* How important is it for there to be strict limits on government so that it cannot not take away individual rights and freedom?

4* Which is more important: ensuring that leaders are selected by voters or insuring that there are strict limits on government so that it cannot take away individual rights and freedom?

5* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A government powerful enough to do everything you want is also powerful enough to take away everything you have.

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