Monday, August 16, 2010

Mosque in New York Ground Zero

As the President so eloquently said at a dinner honoring Muslim Ramadan, Muslims have a right to build a Mosque where ever they want.  What he failed to say was building a Mosque at that site would divide and cause further pain from what Radical Muslims did on 9/11.  I am reminded that a Catholic church,Nuns to be exact wanted to build a church at a German Jewish death camp.  The Jewish people complained and though they had a right to build, Pope Paul the 2nd decided to build it elsewhere.

It is also a historical fact that Muslims have always built a Mosque at a place of great battle and conquest.  Two places was 6th century Spain.  After invading Catholic Spain, Muslims defeated them and built their Mosque at Cordoba Spain.  Second and most notable was the Mosque built over the Jewish Temple know as the Dome of the Rock.   

Then you have the facts that the Iman will not say where the money is coming from.  He will not call Hamas a terrorist organization.  He will not call out any Muslims as being terrorists.  And now the leader of Hamas has said that the Mosque must be built at ground zero.

The Governor of New york has offered to find an alternaet site and the Muslim Iman has said no thanks.  It is my opinion that the only reasopn they want that Mosque built there is to shove it in our faces and celebrate a great victory in the Muslim world.

That does not mean the government should try to stop it construction.  The constitution gives them that right and the government should protect that right.  However, as American citizens, we have the right to protest that site.  Unions and laborers have the right to refuse to construct it.  The Government does have the responsibility to find out who is behind it.  Is it hamas?  Is it Iran?  We need to know that and if it is money coming from a terrorist organization, then the Government has the right and the duty to stop it!


  1. I find it interesting that Obama was never asked his original opinion on the building of this ground zero mosque. It came while he was giving a dinner to celebrate Muslim Ramadan. He gave these remarks to impress his Muslim guests and receive another standing ovation. Isn't it curious how there has been more then one such celebration for Islam but this so called Christian president has yet to attend a Christian prayer meeting or has yet to choose his church. Someone please tell me what proof there is that he is Christian. One other point, in all Obama's speeches he always ends with "Gos Bless America!" That part of his speech was missing the day he appeased his Muslim friends,

  2. Not true, Zoning laws don't allow churches to be built just anywhere. Oh but wait,,,,for Muslims sure where ever THEY want.
